
Average score 433 Reviews
Amy C. noted on Google

Les plats sont délicieux et les prix très abordables ! (Translated by Google) The dishes are delicious and the prices very affordable!

2 months ago
Cindy L. noted on Click&Collect

2 months ago
Michel de Houilles noted on Google

comme tous les restaurants chinois, c'est bruyant, et rempli de chinois. ( c'est plutôt bon signe, vous me direz ). C'est très bon, de la bonne cuisine ( le gérant avait ouvert un autre restaurant à succès à Noisiel ). Donc les portions sont plus que généreuses, c'est cuisiné à la minute, et c'est très bon. prenez 1 riz loc-lac pour deux enfants ... moi j'adore la soupe phnom Penh ( ma madeleine de Proust ). tout est bon. (Translated by Google) like all Chinese restaurants, it's noisy, and full of Chinese people. (that's a pretty good sign, you might say). It's very good, good food (the manager had opened another successful restaurant in Noisiel). So the portions are more than generous, it's cooked to order, and it's very good. take 1 loc-lac rice for two children... I love Phnom Penh soup (my Proust madeleine). All is well.

2 months ago
Eric Ticana noted on Google

Super service de Thomas qui a été très agréable. Service rapide (Translated by Google) Great service from Thomas who was very pleasant. Fast service

2 months ago
Youvasri sarahanabhavan noted on Google

2 months ago
ELYSE noted on Google

2 months ago
gerard toussaint noted on Google

Très bon restaurant chinois pour manger simplement très bonne cuisine (Translated by Google) Very good Chinese restaurant for simple dining, very good cuisine

3 months ago
Jean-Marie Merceron noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Cantonese rice is excellent (Original) Le riz cantonnais est excellent

3 months ago
Fabie Guada noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good, a treat for the taste buds (Original) Très bon ,un régal pour les papilles

3 months ago
Michel Bun Aphay noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I like going to this Chinese restaurant, it's my canteen before going to the cinema. The fried pasta is delicious and very well stocked. The dishes are generous. Fast, efficient and good. (Original) J'aime bien aller dans ce restaurant chinois, c'est ma cantine avant d'aller au cinéma. Les pâtes sautées sont délicieuses et très bien fournies. Les plats sont généreux. Rapide efficace et bon.

4 months ago

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